Hello from New York!
I graduated from Stony Brook University with a masters in Computer Science ('17) and currently work at Amazon in NYC.   

To unwind from worldly chaos I like reading (or watching Sci-Fi), practicing my French, writing blog articles, trying out some 3D Rendering in Blender and just just learning some History. I feel influenced by French language and culture, and have been trying to get better at my French. So far I've taken french classes at The French Institute Alliance Française and then more recently at Coucou French Classes.

Here are a few links for you to explore more about me:

  • My Personal Portfolio - which I hardly update - alivcor.github.io
  • My Blog - abhinandandubey.github.io - Tech Articles, Computer Vision, Philosophical Articles and other stuff.
  • Dubey Art - My mother's (who graduated summa cum-laude in Fine Arts at her Grad School) and my paintings (hardly updated right now)
  • GradMint - With over a 1000 users and organically growing, GradMint is a free to use online platform that focuses on using modern data-driven AI engines to predict admission results and streamlining the grad school application process.
  • My Google Scholar Profile
  • Any of the social media links (except Twitter, which I barely use) on the top-right corner.